Hunger — Learn, Practice, Iterate!

Syahdan Edy Murad
3 min readApr 17, 2019


In 2019, I’m trying to kickstart my career in the UXD field. Mostly I start out online, I learn from UX case, joined the online course, talk to a person who already in that field to get their experience, method, best-practice, and ended up searching for an event that opens for a volunteered position on UX event. I searched and tried to apply over and over again on many UX events, but then ended up keeping failed.

Until I find the CHIuXiD 2019 that conducted an event this year in Indonesia. I propose to be a volunteer at this event, but then sadly there is no open position for this event anymore. The committee tells me there are “UX Indonesia Professional Awards”. The Prize is the winners can attend the conference without paying any for it.

I’m trying to apply for this and really work on it by briefly why I really wanted the opportunity of it as this is one of the turning points in my career transition. After a few days of waiting for the announcement. I got an email stated that


I got accepted!

I’m so happy and grateful. I manage the things that I have to prepare for attending this event and finally arrived at Bali on the dawn of 8 April.

Left (Me), Right (Bli Puja) — another winner for this scholarship

On that day, I meet with professionals on UX in Indonesia. I was so amazed by the materials that they bring that day, the best of it I got two sides’ perspectives about User Experience (UX). On top of it, I learn how to do interviews users as a UX Designer by doing a small simulation on the workshop session. The key points that I got are about user interview are

— Always prepare deep-dive on it, like you have to know what kind of goals that you want to seek or test your assumption, managing the outcomes that you will get at the end of the interview sessions
— Being adaptable. You might overcome uncalculated conditions or might be sh*t happen along the way, but then you have to know how to do quick pivot, and that’s why you’re preparation might come in handy.

The last one, I got a new friend, he is Bli Puja, another awardee for this program. We talk many things about design and day-to-day a graphic designer who tried shifting careers to be a user experience designer.

End of the event, I learn many things, getting new friends, and doing a lot of new stuff that I never know before, and yet I cannot believe I can make it. last but not least if you have an unfulfilled dream, go chase it!

Search, learn, apply, iterate, search, learn, apply, iterate — is my mantra



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